I love this guest blog post about sleep found on the Body Coach: https://www.thebodycoach.com/…/sleep-and-mental-health-1231….
Essential oils can also aid sleep as they have calming and mood enhancing effects, and can easily be introduced as part of a sleep routine whether you add your favourite oils to a diffuser in your bedroom before sleep, or a warm evening bath with oils, or simply a few drops onto your pillow at night.
Studies have shown that essential oils work because we inhale the aromatic molecules via our olfactory system (found in our nasal septum) releasing neurons into our limbic system, the part of our brain that deals with emotion, memory, motivation, and pleasure. We have no conscious control here and so the scent of essential oils can have a profound influence on us, affecting our behaviour. Indeed, prolonged use of oils can create new pathways, new memories and therefore new patterns of behaviour such as enhanced mood, relaxation, calm….sleep.
A lovely combination of oils could be Sweet orange, Lavender and Ylang ylang in your diffuser (2 drops of each).
Another combination could be Bergamot, Chamomile, Vetiver.
Or just use a favourite oil on your pillow at night, such as Lavender, Geranium, or Lemongrass.
Try just one drop of one the oils onto your pillow (reverse side) every night for a week and see if it makes a difference. I know it will.